Monday, January 4, 2016

January 2016 Newsletter

Happy New Year Mama Family.

I trust you are well rested and ready to make 2016 the best year of your life!!

Mama's main goals this year are derived from the numbers 2016.

The 20 represents 20,000 new transacting customers during the course of the year.

The 16 represents 16 new cities/towns/shops we will open up during the course of the year.

2016 is achievable if we remain positive, support each other and most importantly work together as the A-Team.

Here is an update of the current goings-on you need to be aware of:

  • School fees campaign, 4th to 31st of January, 40 lucky customers will win 25% back on their money transfer and in the process help donate primary school books in Zim.
    The agent of each winner will receive R100 themselves for their hard work in the process.
  • Our goal is to create 500 new jobs this year!
    The next agent recruitment sessions will be taking place from the 15th to 17th of January. Please note having a bank account is no longer a prerequisite. Share this link with your communities zimbabwean-sales-agents
  • We are looking for a new Customer Experience (Service) person to join the team. The position is based in Cape Town, but all are welcome to apply if willing to relocate
    All the details here
  • We are scouting a location for a shop in Jozi and Tshwane. Please send any potentials locations to Please include a photo, the area and a number of the letting agent. R500 for the person who finds us the right spot!
  • Our bank card has been approved and is being developed. You will be informed regarding the go live date closer to the time.

On a personal note, 2015 will go down as one amazing year. It was made this way because of the all the wonderful people I met along the way. Some of which the interaction was only for a brief moment and others were the start of relationships that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for playing your part in making my year amazing. 

I have a substantial list of resolutions for this year, but the most universally pertinent ones are:

1. To be more positive.
2. To be more patient.
3. To spend more time running in the mountains (read as any form of exercise).
4. To continue to create jobs and opportunities in which people can grow.
5. To cut down on the consumption of news (negative), time on FB and interactions with negative people.

Kind Regards,


  1. Great stuff right there!!! Happy new year to you too Matt. One of my new years resolutions is to exhaust all the potential in me.

  2. It has been an incredible year for all of us the MamaMoney family and I think we have achieved more as a team and will definitely consolidate our position. I am proud to be associated with people with positive minds and have a social responsibility. Big up to the Alpha Team!!!!

  3. Woow I am so pleased with the great news. It got me jumping on my feet. So excited About the great news 2016 is the year.this year my resolutions are to
    1) To be more patient
    2) To motivated despite negativity around me
    3) Spend more time with my family
    4) To give more love and appreciate everyone around me
    5) To keep Pressing forward no matter what.

    1. Thanks Simo. You are going to have a great year I just know it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. l will work hard to make sure Mama money to grow big as the best money transfer company in the Africa continent.l would also love to work with Mama money permanently.

  6. Cant wait for this amazing deals,mamas way,2016 a year of success to both the company nd the workers,together we can

  7. 2016 i stand to devote a "specific" amount of time to look for new sales opportunities.Yes its a fact that it is easy to get sidetracked and distracted by other committments, but i will strive to dedicate consistent time to prospecting every week thereby consistently grow my sales and hit my targets!

  8. As long as I live I will try to take Mamamoney to next level always through dedication.loyalty n hard work n teamwork.Together we can.

  9. 1. Being the role model, leader and best dad ever.
    2. Career advancement----- working tirelessly off the ground up the ladder and make an impact in the corporate world.
    3. Stay focused and motivated---- always to be happy and to turn negativity into positivity and smiles

  10. Positive attitude, success,focus one strong main resolution to be part of the future,that future is to be able to look back and say l was there,i did put mamamoney to the map to be what it is today, build it to be one of the best organization in the diaspora as a whole,that will be my resolution and achievement.

  11. Compliments of the new year Mama family
    I resolve to reach my full potential within the family and to be an active team player
    Congratulations on all th achievements n developments

  12. What a 2016. Great expectations in 2016.
